

"Gina, I love you. I want to marry you...but we need moore money."

In Torono, Brad Black is a handyman who loves movie lived. He has a girlfriend Gina who loves movie too.
So, they fell in love soon and they always talk about marriage.
However, their thinking a little difficult...
He was a romantic, he wanted to marry with a lot of marry: but she said to him "we don't need a lot of money."
He didn't change his thought. One of his loved movie's story "a woman marryed with old man and after he died she inherited his heritage"
He tryed to do [just like movie]. He met a rich young women Carrie and did sham marriage for money!!
He wanted only money but she was too young to wait her deth. He thought that  he should kill her!
He tryed to carriy out his plan: it wasn't well.

After a few days, he heard a news 3woman were killed and one of them maybe Carrie!
He did the inheritance procedure as soon as and went to pari with Gina!
His plan had gone to well but...!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Mayu!
    I have read this story too.
    Your introduce was so nice!
    I want to read this book again.



Fair is foul, and foul is fair.  Hover through the fog and filthy air. This story was written by Shakespeare and called  "four mas...