
Last Chance

"I want to leave the island, "thinks Mike." I don't want to die,but..."

I'll introduce "Last Chance".
The main character' name is Mike. He is a cameraman and works for SFX News.
He was in big trouble. His boss,Mr Frank got angry because of Mike's work.
He said to him," My son can do better. Find  and film that  hits me here." with putting his hand on his heart.

Then he had to go volcanothat erupted for his life.
He went to there with his pride and  motivation because he should do for himself!!

He arrives volcano but a few people was there because it was dangerous.

Would he could  a good photo? or he became fired??

1 件のコメント:


Fair is foul, and foul is fair.  Hover through the fog and filthy air. This story was written by Shakespeare and called  "four mas...